Barnacles – One single sound

Published by Riccardo Bonati on July 17, 2017

barnacles-one-single-soundInspired by the letters of Charles Robert Darwin to William Darwin Fox.
“I am at work on the second vol. of the Cirripedia, of which creatures I am wonderfully tired: I hate a Barnacle as no man ever did before, not even a Sailor in a slow-sailing ship. My first vol. is out: the only part worth looking at is on the sexes of Ibla & Scalpellum; I hope by next summer to have done with my tedious work.”

Barnacles’ One single sound is a new beautiful project by Matteo Uggeri aka Sparkle in grey, based on field recordings, drones and tribalism, material found in these four long pieces. The product is well cared, and especially  noteworthy is the packaging… black, red and white, with carefully modified pictures of aliens animals (which really existed) taken from a handbook of Ernst Haeckel – beginning of 1900 (really interesting).

Are you looking for an alien mantra of abyss? This is for you. It looks like a mix among underwater sounds , Cthulhu’s myth and the tribal trance of people that link music to nature and to God… The barnacles, a sea animal of the abyss… here is the explanation…


Label: Boring machines

Rating: 8